Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beer of The Month

Are your taste buds in a rut? Is the beer just not tasting as good as it did. Then sign up to receive a 12 pack of micro brews every month. It will be like Christmas for your taste buds.Beer Every Month will make your dreams come true and restore that tingling sensation on your taste buds.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Death of "Shaken not Stirred"

Those famous words uttered by Mr. Bond, "Shaken not stirred", appear to be over, at least for now. Once again good old capitalism triumphs over tradition or putting art before money. Skyfall, Daniel Craig's last Bond movie, Mr. Bond will apparently ask for a Heineken not a martini. Read about it HERE

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why Ice Shot Glasses Are Overrated

What I Thought
When I came across  Ice Shot glasses I was so excited, I mean who isn't enthralled with the idea of being able to throw a glass without a consequence. Not only are they cheap to make but you can make as many as you want, and everyone will love them! I will be such as badass and I'll finally have the respect of all my peers!!....

The Truth
Not only is it very difficult to make this shot glasses, I hardly ever got one to look like the picture, even after trying all the tips I found on the internet. Along with that it takes like 5 hours to make a set! It is nearly impossible to not mess up at least one when removing them from the mold. You would think since it is made of ice it will chill your drink but the problem is if you use alcohol that isn't as cold as your freezer the shot glass melts so fast you lose your drink.

I'm not saying you shouldn't buy it, because these are fun for a little while. Just understand you will probably use these once or twice and then forget you even have it.

The Buffalo Theory Cheers


Why you Should and Shouldn't get the Krups Beertender

The Krups Beertender is a kegerator that takes up about the same amount of space as if you put your mircrowave on its side.

Why you should buy it.
The second someone walks in your house you will get one of two responses.

Guys will respond like this..
.funny gifs

And Girls will want to see it in action out of curiosity.

The best part is the Beertender is cheap! Selling routinely for $60 on eBay, which is less than half the value of original price. The other great part is beer really does taste better out of it and you can set it at the perfect temperature of 36 degrees so guys, no more blown up beer in the freezer.

Why you shouldn't buy it.
The downside of this wondrous device surely meant for only the gods is that it is only compatible with Heineken and New Castle. So if you like the taste of anything other than sweat and burnt dog hair in a babies diaper than you my friend are out of luck. That along with the fact you have to wait for the kegs to get cold (approx 10 hours) and that they aren't sold everywhere, you might have to decide between one of these  and your high maintenance girlfriend.

The Genesis

This is my first post on my new blog, yeah a blog. I'm another one of those jackasses who thinks they have something important the whole world should know! Well the truth is, right now I know very little about alcohol besides Keystone gets you through High School and Burnett's Vodka is the base to a good college diet thus so far. Today October 1st 2012 I am only 20 years old, but in less than 24 hours, all of that will change(Insert Darth Vader Theme Song HERE as the entire galaxy is now doomed).

In this blog I will celebrate not just alcohol but the community that comes with it. As I learn and find new interesting things I will post it for you to read and enjoy, and of course I will use as many pictures as possible because honestly I find reading about as interesting as Women's Basketball.

For being patient here you go!